Guides - Colour

MORAG is all about the creative process rather than product; we don’t want to tell people what to do, but we do want to take them on a journey where they can discover their own ways of being creative.

To help us achieve this we enlisted the support of six professional artists – ranging from painters and poets to dancers and weavers. Together, we explored their working practices, from what inspires them to start a piece of work to how they move through the different phases of creating something unique and on to how they begin to plan for the next phase. MORAG is full of their examples, advice, suggestions and encouragement.

To further illustrate their individual ways of working, each artist delivered a pair of workshops. The venues and participants for these workshops ranged from a mixed group of adults and school children creating a massive woven banner in their local library, to residents in a sheltered housing unit.

Each workshop was written up as a Guide – and is featured on this page for you to read at your leisure and to download for future reference.

From time to time, we will upload other resources we think might be useful. Right now, you’ll also find the Getting Together resource guide on this page. This Guide was produced to complement and reflect a creative intergenerational reminiscence project called Art of Play and contains advice, suggestions and information for anyone interested in the field of reminiscence work.



Jane Southgate

Jane’s work often uses weaving as a metaphor for human emotions and experiences. Her Guide takes you from some simple word association exercises, linking words associated with textiles with colours…

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Weave your way in and out of MORAG



Dean Parkin

Dean’s guide is based on his highly popular workshop ‘My Colourful Life’. The guide is presented as a journey through MORAG, with Dean offering his thoughts and suggestions on what…

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Take the poetic route through MORAG